[GRLUG] Windows VM thumb drive dismounting

Grand Rapids Linux Users Group grlug at grlug.org
Tue May 23 12:16:53 EDT 2023

I'm running Win 10 on a VirtualBox VM in Ubuntu 20.04.

Each time I plug in my thumb drive, Win warns me there's a problem with 
the drive and wants to scan it.

I've concluded that Win is not dismounting the thumb drive when I send 
the shutdown signal to the VM.

Is this a feature or a bug? I.e., shouldn't Win be properly ejecting 
everything when it shuts down? Could the issue have something to do with 
Win running in the VM?

Is there really something wrong with the drive or is it safe to ignore 
this warning? (If there's a problem, would it be that something that was 
active hadn't been properly saved to the drive?)


Eric Beversluis www.ericbeversluis.com

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