[GRLUG] TOMORROW(Thurs)=nushell pipes @ stlLUG. (fwd)

Grand Rapids Linux Users Group grlug at grlug.org
Wed Aug 16 16:24:42 EDT 2023

TOPIC: nushellPresenter: Robert Citek
    and    Ed Howland
if the output from a command was structured data, e.g. like a SQL table,
instead of plain text."

Fifty years ago, Unix implemented pipes, where the output of one command
was fed as input to the next command.    The data flowing between the
commands tended to be plain text and often required parsing by intermediate
programs in the pipeline.  Furthermore, that text was often organized by
lines and rows.    And if it wasn't, that made parsing the text a bit of a
challenge.   Despite those limitations, the concept was revolutionary.  But
imagine if that data was more than text.   Imagine if it was structured
data so that you could easily query, select, filter, and sort the data
regardless of its structure.

Enter nushell, a different way of piping data.  Nushell also uses pipes,
but the data flowing between commands is structured data, e.g. text, CSV,
JSON, YAML, SQLite, Excel.  And you can use common nushell commands to
operate and transform the data.  It's like using a shell and a programming
language from a command line.

In this talk, we will casually walk through using nushell with plenty of
examples of what it can do.  Nushell is still very much in the early phases
of active development, but it shows a lot of potential for working with
structured data.

For more info on nushell, visit https://www.nushell.sh/

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